

Your Reflection… looking within with LOVE and COMPASSION

As you see the beautiful you in a reflection whether it be in a mirror or still water and see beyond your face past the memories and stories etched in your skin, muscles, bones and organs look deeply into your eyes and see the love you have residing within you.reflection

It’s always been there and now it’s time to remember when you were pure love and light.

As you return to your state of love and BE that love ,you’ll be able to love all of life.

Love your experiences for you’ve been brave in working through them.

Love your ability to feel the essence of you.

As you take gentle breaths feel the silence of your being, the stillness within. Your compassion of self will translate into the love and compassion you have for all.

As I reflect on my journey of healing I can only feel gratitude for the work I’ve done – the rewards being inner peace, radiance and love of myself, and all of life.

Changing the Patterns

Let me help you unveil your inner light and beauty.

Are you brave enough to leave behind familiar feelings such as anger, resentment, worry and lack and set out on a truth-seeking journey to embrace the authentic you?

All worry will accomplish is the removal of your peace.

You don’t find yourself – you create yourself!


As you live Deeper in the Heart, the Mirror gets clearer and cleaner. ~ Rumi